The Importance of Dietary Supplements for Pets

For pet parents, the importance of pet nutrition and supplementation cannot be understated. A proactive approach to dietary supplementation is an essential part of ensuring your pet’s health and wellbeing.

The Importance of Dietary Supplements for Pets

Pet parents are always looking out for the best way to prevent health issues in their furry family members – prevention is better than cure! Including the right dietary supplements in your pet’s diet can prevent a range of common health problems. A proactive approach can protect our pets from future complications and contribute to a longer and healthier lifestyle.

Nutrients Beyond the Bowl

The daily diet doesn’t always provide our pets with all the nutrients they need. That’s why it’s important to understand when and why to supplement their diet. Dietary supplements can make the difference between a basic and an optimal diet for our pets, filling nutritional gaps and ensuring well-rounded nutritional intake.


Chose the Right Supplement for the Right Needs

It is essential not to give supplements at random. Instead, each supplement should be carefully tailored to the pet’s specific needs. Finding the right supplement isn’t about a universal solution; it’s about catering to their individual lifestyle and health requirements. Veterinarians commonly recommend dietary supplements to support pet health for various conditions, such as vomiting, diarrhea, itching, or poor digestion. It is of utmost importance to make an informed choice when it comes to dietary supplements. Read the back of the package, understand the ingredient list and dosage instructions. Ask questions and seek advice from veterinarians or nutritional advisors to find the best products for your pet. Choose producers with nutrient and natural ingredients instead of supplements packed with colorants and sweeteners.


NutriScience for Active Pets 

NutriScience delivers premium pet supplements that have been developed with veterinary expertise and manufactured to the highest quality standards. The dog supplement range helps promote health and wellness and can also assist with many common conditions. For the feline pet parents, the cat range is specifically formulated for palatability and efficacy to ensure your cat gets what is wants and needs. All NutriScience products ensure optimal pet health and are safe, effective as well as convenient – perfect for pets & owners!


Improve Oral Health with ProDen PlaqueOff®

Oral health is of great importance and ProDen PlaqueOff® is an example of a dietary supplement that, in combination with regular tooth brushing, can help maintain good oral hygiene in our pets. It helps reduce plaque and tartar build-up, contributing to overall dental well-being.


As your pet grows and changes, their need for supplements might too. Adjusting their dietary additions according to their life stage, activity level, or health changes is part of providing the best care for your beloved friend!